本地英文版地址: ../en/analysis-standard-analyzer.html
Standard Analyzeredit
The standard
analyzer is the default analyzer which is used if none is
specified. It provides grammar based tokenization (based on the Unicode Text
Segmentation algorithm, as specified in
Unicode Standard Annex #29) and works well
for most languages.
Example outputedit
POST _analyze { "analyzer": "standard", "text": "The 2 QUICK Brown-Foxes jumped over the lazy dog's bone." }
The above sentence would produce the following terms:
[ the, 2, quick, brown, foxes, jumped, over, the, lazy, dog's, bone ]
The standard
analyzer accepts the following parameters:
The maximum token length. If a token is seen that exceeds this length then
it is split at |
A pre-defined stop words list like |
The path to a file containing stop words. |
See the Stop Token Filter for more information about stop word configuration.
Example configurationedit
In this example, we configure the standard
analyzer to have a
of 5 (for demonstration purposes), and to use the
pre-defined list of English stop words:
PUT my_index { "settings": { "analysis": { "analyzer": { "my_english_analyzer": { "type": "standard", "max_token_length": 5, "stopwords": "_english_" } } } } } POST my_index/_analyze { "analyzer": "my_english_analyzer", "text": "The 2 QUICK Brown-Foxes jumped over the lazy dog's bone." }
The above example produces the following terms:
[ 2, quick, brown, foxes, jumpe, d, over, lazy, dog's, bone ]
The standard
analyzer consists of:
- Tokenizer
- Token Filters
- Lower Case Token Filter
- Stop Token Filter (disabled by default)
If you need to customize the standard
analyzer beyond the configuration
parameters then you need to recreate it as a custom
analyzer and modify
it, usually by adding token filters. This would recreate the built-in
analyzer and you can use it as a starting point:
- Elasticsearch权威指南: 其他版本:
- Elasticsearch是什么?
- 7.7版本的新特性
- 开始使用Elasticsearch
- 安装和设置
- 升级Elasticsearch
- 搜索你的数据
- 查询领域特定语言(Query DSL)
- SQL access(暂时不翻译)
- Overview
- Getting Started with SQL
- Conventions and Terminology
- Security
- SQL Translate API
- SQL Client Applications
- SQL Language
- Functions and Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Math Operators
- Cast Operators
- LIKE and RLIKE Operators
- Aggregate Functions
- Grouping Functions
- Date/Time and Interval Functions and Operators
- Full-Text Search Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- String Functions
- Type Conversion Functions
- Geo Functions
- Conditional Functions And Expressions
- System Functions
- Reserved keywords
- SQL Limitations
- 聚合
- 度量(metric)聚合
- 桶(bucket)聚合
- adjacency_matrix 聚合
- auto_date_histogram 聚合
- children 聚合
- composite 聚合
- date_histogram 聚合
- date_range 聚合
- diversified_sampler 聚合
- filter 聚合
- filters 聚合
- geo_distance 聚合
- geohash_grid 聚合
- geotile_grid 聚合
- global 聚合
- histogram 聚合
- ip_range 聚合
- missing 聚合
- nested 聚合
- parent 聚合
- range 聚合
- rare_terms 聚合
- reverse_nested 聚合
- sampler 聚合
- significant_terms 聚合
- significant_text 聚合
- terms 聚合
- 给范围字段分桶的微妙之处
- 管道(pipeline)聚合
- 矩阵(matrix)聚合
- 重度缓存的聚合
- 只返回聚合的结果
- 聚合元数据
- Returning the type of the aggregation
- 使用转换对聚合结果进行索引
- 脚本
- 映射
- 删除的映射类型
- 字段数据类型
- alias(别名)
- array(数组)
- binary(二进制)
- boolean(布尔)
- date(日期)
- date_nanos(日期纳秒)
- dense_vector(密集矢量)
- histogram(直方图)
- flattened(扁平)
- geo_point(地理坐标点)
- geo_shape(地理形状)
- IP
- join(联结)
- keyword(关键词)
- nested(嵌套)
- numeric(数值)
- object(对象)
- percolator(渗透器)
- range(范围)
- rank_feature(特征排名)
- rank_features(特征排名)
- search_as_you_type(输入即搜索)
- Sparse vector
- Text
- Token count
- Shape
- Constant keyword
- Meta-Fields
- Mapping parameters
- Dynamic Mapping
- Text analysis
- Overview
- Concepts
- Configure text analysis
- Built-in analyzer reference
- Tokenizer reference
- Char Group Tokenizer
- Classic Tokenizer
- Edge n-gram tokenizer
- Keyword Tokenizer
- Letter Tokenizer
- Lowercase Tokenizer
- N-gram tokenizer
- Path Hierarchy Tokenizer
- Path Hierarchy Tokenizer Examples
- Pattern Tokenizer
- Simple Pattern Tokenizer
- Simple Pattern Split Tokenizer
- Standard Tokenizer
- Thai Tokenizer
- UAX URL Email Tokenizer
- Whitespace Tokenizer
- Token filter reference
- Apostrophe
- ASCII folding
- CJK bigram
- CJK width
- Classic
- Common grams
- Conditional
- Decimal digit
- Delimited payload
- Dictionary decompounder
- Edge n-gram
- Elision
- Fingerprint
- Flatten graph
- Hunspell
- Hyphenation decompounder
- Keep types
- Keep words
- Keyword marker
- Keyword repeat
- KStem
- Length
- Limit token count
- Lowercase
- MinHash
- Multiplexer
- N-gram
- Normalization
- Pattern capture
- Pattern replace
- Phonetic
- Porter stem
- Predicate script
- Remove duplicates
- Reverse
- Shingle
- Snowball
- Stemmer
- Stemmer override
- Stop
- Synonym
- Synonym graph
- Trim
- Truncate
- Unique
- Uppercase
- Word delimiter
- Word delimiter graph
- Character filters reference
- Normalizers
- Index modules
- Ingest node
- Pipeline Definition
- Accessing Data in Pipelines
- Conditional Execution in Pipelines
- Handling Failures in Pipelines
- Enrich your data
- Processors
- Append Processor
- Bytes Processor
- Circle Processor
- Convert Processor
- CSV Processor
- Date Processor
- Date Index Name Processor
- Dissect Processor
- Dot Expander Processor
- Drop Processor
- Enrich Processor
- Fail Processor
- Foreach Processor
- GeoIP Processor
- Grok Processor
- Gsub Processor
- HTML Strip Processor
- Inference Processor
- Join Processor
- JSON Processor
- KV Processor
- Lowercase Processor
- Pipeline Processor
- Remove Processor
- Rename Processor
- Script Processor
- Set Processor
- Set Security User Processor
- Split Processor
- Sort Processor
- Trim Processor
- Uppercase Processor
- URL Decode Processor
- User Agent processor
- ILM: Manage the index lifecycle
- Monitor a cluster
- Frozen indices
- Roll up or transform your data
- Set up a cluster for high availability
- Snapshot and restore
- Secure a cluster
- Overview
- Configuring security
- User authentication
- Built-in users
- Internal users
- Token-based authentication services
- Realms
- Realm chains
- Active Directory user authentication
- File-based user authentication
- LDAP user authentication
- Native user authentication
- OpenID Connect authentication
- PKI user authentication
- SAML authentication
- Kerberos authentication
- Integrating with other authentication systems
- Enabling anonymous access
- Controlling the user cache
- Configuring SAML single-sign-on on the Elastic Stack
- Configuring single sign-on to the Elastic Stack using OpenID Connect
- User authorization
- Built-in roles
- Defining roles
- Security privileges
- Document level security
- Field level security
- Granting privileges for indices and aliases
- Mapping users and groups to roles
- Setting up field and document level security
- Submitting requests on behalf of other users
- Configuring authorization delegation
- Customizing roles and authorization
- Enabling audit logging
- Encrypting communications
- Restricting connections with IP filtering
- Cross cluster search, clients, and integrations
- Tutorial: Getting started with security
- Tutorial: Encrypting communications
- Troubleshooting
- Some settings are not returned via the nodes settings API
- Authorization exceptions
- Users command fails due to extra arguments
- Users are frequently locked out of Active Directory
- Certificate verification fails for curl on Mac
- SSLHandshakeException causes connections to fail
- Common SSL/TLS exceptions
- Common Kerberos exceptions
- Common SAML issues
- Internal Server Error in Kibana
- Setup-passwords command fails due to connection failure
- Failures due to relocation of the configuration files
- Limitations
- Alerting on cluster and index events
- Command line tools
- How To
- Glossary of terms
- API conventions
- cat APIs
- cat aliases
- cat allocation
- cat anomaly detectors
- cat count
- cat data frame analytics
- cat datafeeds
- cat fielddata
- cat health
- cat indices
- cat master
- cat nodeattrs
- cat nodes
- cat pending tasks
- cat plugins
- cat recovery
- cat repositories
- cat shards
- cat segments
- cat snapshots
- cat task management
- cat templates
- cat thread pool
- cat trained model
- cat transforms
- Cluster APIs
- Cluster allocation explain
- Cluster get settings
- Cluster health
- Cluster reroute
- Cluster state
- Cluster stats
- Cluster update settings
- Nodes feature usage
- Nodes hot threads
- Nodes info
- Nodes reload secure settings
- Nodes stats
- Pending cluster tasks
- Remote cluster info
- Task management
- Voting configuration exclusions
- Cross-cluster replication APIs
- Document APIs
- Enrich APIs
- Explore API
- Index APIs
- Add index alias
- Analyze
- Clear cache
- Clone index
- Close index
- Create index
- Delete index
- Delete index alias
- Delete index template
- Flush
- Force merge
- Freeze index
- Get field mapping
- Get index
- Get index alias
- Get index settings
- Get index template
- Get mapping
- Index alias exists
- Index exists
- Index recovery
- Index segments
- Index shard stores
- Index stats
- Index template exists
- Open index
- Put index template
- Put mapping
- Refresh
- Rollover index
- Shrink index
- Split index
- Synced flush
- Type exists
- Unfreeze index
- Update index alias
- Update index settings
- Index lifecycle management API
- Ingest APIs
- Info API
- Licensing APIs
- Machine learning anomaly detection APIs
- Add events to calendar
- Add jobs to calendar
- Close jobs
- Create jobs
- Create calendar
- Create datafeeds
- Create filter
- Delete calendar
- Delete datafeeds
- Delete events from calendar
- Delete filter
- Delete forecast
- Delete jobs
- Delete jobs from calendar
- Delete model snapshots
- Delete expired data
- Estimate model memory
- Find file structure
- Flush jobs
- Forecast jobs
- Get buckets
- Get calendars
- Get categories
- Get datafeeds
- Get datafeed statistics
- Get influencers
- Get jobs
- Get job statistics
- Get machine learning info
- Get model snapshots
- Get overall buckets
- Get scheduled events
- Get filters
- Get records
- Open jobs
- Post data to jobs
- Preview datafeeds
- Revert model snapshots
- Set upgrade mode
- Start datafeeds
- Stop datafeeds
- Update datafeeds
- Update filter
- Update jobs
- Update model snapshots
- Machine learning data frame analytics APIs
- Create data frame analytics jobs
- Create inference trained model
- Delete data frame analytics jobs
- Delete inference trained model
- Evaluate data frame analytics
- Explain data frame analytics API
- Get data frame analytics jobs
- Get data frame analytics jobs stats
- Get inference trained model
- Get inference trained model stats
- Start data frame analytics jobs
- Stop data frame analytics jobs
- Migration APIs
- Reload search analyzers
- Rollup APIs
- Search APIs
- Security APIs
- Authenticate
- Change passwords
- Clear cache
- Clear roles cache
- Create API keys
- Create or update application privileges
- Create or update role mappings
- Create or update roles
- Create or update users
- Delegate PKI authentication
- Delete application privileges
- Delete role mappings
- Delete roles
- Delete users
- Disable users
- Enable users
- Get API key information
- Get application privileges
- Get builtin privileges
- Get role mappings
- Get roles
- Get token
- Get users
- Has privileges
- Invalidate API key
- Invalidate token
- OpenID Connect Prepare Authentication API
- OpenID Connect authenticate API
- OpenID Connect logout API
- SAML prepare authentication API
- SAML authenticate API
- SAML logout API
- SAML invalidate API
- SSL certificate
- Snapshot and restore APIs
- Snapshot lifecycle management API
- Transform APIs
- Usage API
- Watcher APIs
- Definitions
- Breaking changes
- Release notes
- Elasticsearch version 7.7.1
- Elasticsearch version 7.7.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.6.2
- Elasticsearch version 7.6.1
- Elasticsearch version 7.6.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.5.2
- Elasticsearch version 7.5.1
- Elasticsearch version 7.5.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.4.2
- Elasticsearch version 7.4.1
- Elasticsearch version 7.4.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.3.2
- Elasticsearch version 7.3.1
- Elasticsearch version 7.3.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.2.1
- Elasticsearch version 7.2.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.1.1
- Elasticsearch version 7.1.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.0.0
- Elasticsearch version 7.0.0-rc2
- Elasticsearch version 7.0.0-rc1
- Elasticsearch version 7.0.0-beta1
- Elasticsearch version 7.0.0-alpha2
- Elasticsearch version 7.0.0-alpha1