原文地址: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.7/trb-security-maccurl.html, 原文档版权归 www.elastic.co 所有
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Certificate verification fails for curl on Macedit
on the Mac returns a certificate verification error even when the--cacert
option is used.
Apple’s integration of curl
with their keychain technology disables the
See http://curl.haxx.se/mail/archive-2013-10/0036.html for more information.
You can use another tool, such as wget
, to test certificates. Alternately, you
can add the certificate for the signing certificate authority MacOS system
keychain, using a procedure similar to the one detailed at the
Apple knowledge base. Be sure to add the
signing CA’s certificate and not the server’s certificate.