原文地址: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/_filtering_queries.html, 版权归 www.elastic.co 所有
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Filtering Queriesedit
If we want to find all cars over $10,000 and also calculate the average price
for those cars,
we can use a constant_score
query and its filter
GET /cars/transactions/_search { "size" : 0, "query" : { "constant_score": { "filter": { "range": { "price": { "gte": 10000 } } } } }, "aggs" : { "single_avg_price": { "avg" : { "field" : "price" } } } }
Fundamentally, using a non-scoring query is no different from using a match
query, as we discussed in the previous chapter. The query returns a certain
subset of documents, and the aggregation operates on those documents. It just happens
to omit scoring and may proactively cache bitsets, etc.